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Build event presentations with Elementor

A companion plugin, Hello Event Elementor Widgets, will shortly be available on wordpress.org to help build one (or more) customised presentation template(s) for events using the Elementor visual editor. Elementor exists as a free plugin and a pro-version. This plugin does not require the use of the pro-version of Elementor since the presentation templates are ordinary pages.

If you decide to use (one or more) presentation template(s) this can be handled in two ways:

  • There is a (new) setting in the Hello Event plugin settings to define a page to use as template for the events
  • There is a (new) parameter in the shortcodes that are used to present lists of events

Additional parameter in the shortcodes to present list of events:

[hello-event-calendar]event_pageOptional parameter: slug of a custom page to show the events

Building the presentation template with Elementor is quite straight forward using a set of dedicated widgets:

When the plugin becomes available we will provide a short video to explain how to proceed.