WordPress Plugin: Hello Event Again

Extend the possibilities of the Hello Event Plugin

Hello Event brings event management and ticket sales in an extremely easy way to any WordPress site!  Hello Event Again further extends the capabilities of Hello Event :

Hello Event Again is a premium WordPress extension, currently available in beta

Pages used to present events on your site

To benefit from the full power of Hello Event Again without the need to make any changes to your theme it is recommended to set up three pages and use the shortcodes described below:

Category List Page


Present event categories with clickable thumbnails and titles. A Category List Page will act as a graphical « table of contents » organized by event category. It is possible either to present all categories on a single page, or to have several pages, each presenting a subset of the categories.


[hello-event-category-link] : Present one category. Use this shortcode when you want full control of which categories to show on a page and in which order.

[hello-event-category-links] : Same as above but presents all the top-level categories in alphabetic order. It is never the less  possible to disable a category by setting the selector « show on site » in the category defintion to « No ».

Category Show Page


Present a category and its subcategories in the form of clickable thumbnails and titles. Only one such page needed.


[hello-event-category-title] : Display the category name in a html tag

[hello-event-category-show] : Display the category description

[hello-event-subcategory-links] : Present the subcategories of a given category in a similar way to [hello-event-category-link]. The category to present can be provided in a parameter in the UR. This makes this shortcode perfectly well suited to use on a page which is the targeted by the link_to parameter in a [hello-event-category-link] shortcode (or even in a [hello-event-subcategory-links] shortcode in the case of a multi-level category hierarchy.

[hello-event-link-to-category-list-events] : Show a link to the Category List Events Page, which will include the category as parameter. The link is only shown if the category has sub-categories.

Category List Events Page


Show the events of a category as a list, a tabbed list and/or a calendar


Ths page will use any of the shortcodes defined in the Hello Events plugin:




Notice: These three shortcodes use a category filter. If the URL used to display the page with these shortcodes contains a category parameter (category slug) only events of that category will be considered.



The Hello Event Again plugin adds a new meta-box and new shortcodes to the events defined in the Hello Event plugin.

New Metabox: Sidebar

The content of this metabox, which is defined both for events and event categories, is displayed with the help of the shortcode [hello-event-sidebar].

New or modified Shortcodes

[hello-event-category-content] : Used in the content of an event to include the content of its category. In the case of hiearchical categories this is a concatenation of content from the root category down. When the content of an event is left blank the category content will always be included, therfore this shortcode is only necessary when

[hello-event-sidebar] : Displays the sidebar content for a category or and event. For a category this is a concatenation of the sidebar content of the category itself preceeded by the content of all its ancestors in the case of hiearchical categories. For an event this is the sidebar content of the event, in a smilar way to the xx shortcode.


To install the widgets, use the Custom HTML standard widget and insert one the following shortcodes in the widget

[hello-event-thumb-and-link] : This shortcode will only be visible on pages that display a description of an event category. It will display the category thumbnail and a text string in the widget area. The thumbnail plus the text string is a link to a page that should shows the events of the category. The content of that page will thus use a shortcode like [hello-event-list], [hello-event-tab], or [hello-event-calendar]

[hello-event-sidebar] : See description above. When used in the widget area the shortcode will output content only when displaying and event of an event category.